Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The gift of peace

Yes, yes, I am thankful, just not taking the time to reflect.

It’s the small things lately that keep me smiling and saying thanks again and again.

Last night, I just put the two older children to bed and took Emma in my arms to sit down and watch the Orange Bowl. I had been attempting this all evening, however did not make it to the couch until about 2-3 minutes before the half. Kaisha is working late again and the parental staff at home was down to one last night. But regardless, I was given a gift, a brief momentary gift, of Emma completely calm, in my arms, and watching football. For that moment I am thankful. Her tiny little hands, her soft warm head, and briefly her complete attention on Iowa and Georgia Tech. (Not sure for which team she was pulling)

Another please: This morning while driving the girls to day school my vehicle broke through a flock of birds scattering them through a picturesque landscape of steaming winter streams and old dilapidated wood paneled shacks. The frost glistening; the sun shining; and birds flying. For this brief glimpse at peace I am thankful.

I’m even thankful for future excitement. The possibility of snow conjures up Samuel and Mattie giggles, of which I love. Maybe a snowman is in our future. Remember to get the bread and milk, I hear they are running out.

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