Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Journey
Samuel came up to me recently saying, "Daddy, I need to show you something. I found something!"
Mattie and I where up for a nice surprise, so we began to follow Samuel outside to see what he had found. Samuel led us around the house full of excitement and anticipation. As we entered the side yard all three of us, with Samuel on point, marched directly into a large pile of leaves.
Samuel began shuffling through the pile ferociously. Pushing and pulling the leaves around as if he had misplaced the surprise. By his demeanor I knew there must be something wonderful underneath. Mattie and I joined in the search.
"It was right here." Samuel voiced his frustration.
"Maybe, it’s over here?" he continued, not giving up hope.
After another several minutes we all sat down together. Not really giving up but simply taking a brief break in the search. We never really found anything that day. The something that Samuel had found personally was apparently rather elusive.
Now maybe there was something or maybe he just thought there was something, but the experience left me smiling from ear to ear. The wonderful something Samuel had found; that something he was desperately trying to share with Mattie and I was unreachable. In fact I’m not sure it was tangible at all. I believe it was relational. Maybe Samuel took us on his seeking mission simply for the comradery, simply for the company.
During those few moments we all shared in the faith that there was something physically there, amazing to behold, but somehow we never found "It". But I’m not sure if the “Journey” wasn’t the prize. The time we spent together in the wind; in the leaves; in the day was in fact the prize. Our participation was the treasure. Samuel reminded me in that simple moment to enjoy the ride, to enjoy the experience, the search, and to enjoy the people searching with you.
I’m enjoying the ride, are you?
Monday, January 11, 2010

For her life I am thankful.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day

" When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."
Or as Eugene Peterson translates in the Message.
"She doesn't worry about her family when it snows; their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear."
Kaisha, the kids, and I bundled up yesterday in our best scarlet, ok maybe not scarlet but in some pretty decent looking winter cloths. We set out into the snow for a trek around the neighborhood ending with a fairly nice snowball fight and the construction of a miniature snowman ice skating on our pond.
Kaisha made the comment that this event would make the blog, so to self elect a prophetess in the family I scribe these few lines...
"An excellent woman, who can find?"
Kaisha did most of the bundling. Layer upon layer, hats, gloves, scarves all on whiny little kids that of course had to relieve themselves after realizing they where fully clothed.
For my wife, I am thankful. For our walk, I am thankful. And for the gracious peace of falling snow purifying our reality with a covering of white, I am thankful.
A great 1st snow day of 2010.
Roll Tide.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The gift of peace
It’s the small things lately that keep me smiling and saying thanks again and again.
Last night, I just put the two older children to bed and took Emma in my arms to sit down and watch the Orange Bowl. I had been attempting this all evening, however did not make it to the couch until about 2-3 minutes before the half. Kaisha is working late again and the parental staff at home was down to one last night. But regardless, I was given a gift, a brief momentary gift, of Emma completely calm, in my arms, and watching football. For that moment I am thankful. Her tiny little hands, her soft warm head, and briefly her complete attention on Iowa and Georgia Tech. (Not sure for which team she was pulling)
Another please: This morning while driving the girls to day school my vehicle broke through a flock of birds scattering them through a picturesque landscape of steaming winter streams and old dilapidated wood paneled shacks. The frost glistening; the sun shining; and birds flying. For this brief glimpse at peace I am thankful.
I’m even thankful for future excitement. The possibility of snow conjures up Samuel and Mattie giggles, of which I love. Maybe a snowman is in our future. Remember to get the bread and milk, I hear they are running out.